piccolo ed interessante aggiornamento da parte del venditore: “Good morning!
Your question made me think last night so I've been doing some research. I've found a couple of Sekonda dialled 3017s with the cushion crown not the flat crown, I can't be sure if they are an early crown or a service replacement, I'll add a picture for you.
Also it transpires from the serial number that mine/yours was produced in mid 1965, a matter of weeks after the first one went on its famous space walk. I always assumed it was 1970s, so to find it is from 1965 is quite exciting.“
foto dell’esemplare citato fratello del mio:
e poi aggiunge:”Modern thought seems to be that that chart, whilst useful, is slightly off on the dates. Most collectors seem to trust the following formula :
(Movement number divided by 5000, then add 1959 to get year of production).
.... which seems to be quite accurate.
(apart from the 0xxxx numbers which appear to be later replacement balances not early movements, apparently as these are not shock protected it was quite common to have the balance replaced, and it was easier to change the whole assembly instead of just the balance staff).”
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